50 research outputs found

    La petita història de la Saleta

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    Flume study on the effects of microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) on the erosional behaviour of fine sand

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    Tangential flow-induced interface erosion poses a major threat to a wide variety of engineering structures, such as earth-filled embankment dams, and oil- and gas-producing wells. This study explores the applicability of microbial induced calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitation (MICP) by way of the ureolytic soil bacterium Sporosarcina pasteurii as a method for enhancing the surface erosion resistance of fine sand. Specimens were treated with cementation solution concentrations between 0·02 and 0·1 M, and the erosional behaviour examined in a flume under surface-parallel flow and increasing shear stress. Photographs, cumulative height eroded-time series and erosion rates were obtained as a function of specimen height, MICP treatment formulation and calcium carbonate content. Results showed that while untreated specimens eroded primarily in particulate and mass form, MICP-treated specimens were characterised by a block erosion mechanism. Further, erodibility was found to depend on the calcium carbonate content and the cementation solution concentration. To understand this, a systematic study of the calcium carbonate crystal sizes and distributions was undertaken through X-ray computed tomography. Fundamentally, the effectiveness of MICP for erosion control was found to be dominated both by the precipitated calcium carbonate content and microstructural features, with higher contents and larger crystals yielding lower erodibility values. Additionally, crystal growth mechanisms varied depending on the cementation solution concentration.</p

    An analysis of pupil concerns regarding transition into higher education.

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    Transitioning to higher education is often a stressful experience, with incoming students facing similar issues year after year. This chapter presents two years of data collection regarding the concerns of Computing secondary school pupils when considering their upcoming transition into the first year of higher education. Over the two-year period, it can be seen that pupils continue to demonstrate concerns regarding topics related to money, jobs and course achievement as opposed to those related to environment or social issues. The consistency between relative areas of concern over the two years is striking, further suggesting that an understanding of these issues might help higher education institutions to better support their incoming students

    Prevalence of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Peripheral Arterial Disease and the Value of the Ankle-brachial Index to Stratify Cardiovascular Risk

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    AbstractObjectivesTo determine the prevalence of ankle-brachial index (ABI)<0.9 and symptomatic peripheral arterial disease (PAD), association with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), and impact of adding ABI measurement to coronary heart disease (CHD) risk screening.DesignPopulation-based cross-sectional survey of 6262 participants aged 35–79 in Girona, Spain.MethodsStandardized measurements (CVRF, ABI, 10-year CHD risk) and history of intermittent claudication (IC), CHD, and stroke were recorded. ABI<0.9 was considered equivalent to moderate-to-high CHD risk (≥10%).ResultsABI<0.9 prevalence was 4.5%. Only 0.62% presented low ABI and IC. Age, current smoker, cardiovascular disease, and uncontrolled hypertension independently associated with ABI<0.9 in both sexes; IC was also associated in men and diabetes in women. Among participants 35–74 free of cardiovascular disease, 6.1% showed moderate-to-high 10-year CHD risk; adding ABI measurement yielded 8.7%. Conversely, the risk function identified 16.8% of these participants as having 10-year CHD risk>10%. In participants 75–79 free of cardiovascular disease, the prevalence of ABI<0.9 (i.e., CHD risk≥10%) was 11.9%.ConclusionsABI<0.9 is relatively frequent in those 35–79, particularly over 74. However, IC and CHD risk≥10% indicators are often missing. Adding ABI measurement to CHD-risk screening better identifies moderate-to-high cardiovascular risk patients

    The Utilization of Data Analysis Techniques in Predicting Student Performance in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

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    The growth of the Internet has enabled the popularity of open online learning platforms to increase over the years. This has led to the inception of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that enrol, millions of people, from all over the world. Such courses operate under the concept of open learning, where content does not have to be delivered via standard mechanisms that institutions employ, such as physically attending lectures. Instead learning occurs online via recorded lecture material and online tasks. This shift has allowed more people to gain access to education, regardless of their learning background. However, despite these advancements in delivering education, completion rates for MOOCs are low. In order to investigate this issue, the paper explores the impact that technology has on open learning and identifies how data about student performance can be captured to predict trend so that at risk students can be identified before they drop-out. In achieving this, subjects surrounding student engagement and performance in MOOCs and data analysis techniques are explored to investigate how technology can be used to address this issue. The paper is then concluded with our approach of predicting behaviour and a case study of the eRegister system, which has been developed to capture and analyse data. Keywords: Open Learning; Prediction; Data Mining; Educational Systems; Massive Open Online Course; Data Analysi

    Online collaboration and cooperation : the recurring importance of evidence, rationale and viability

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    This paper investigates collaboration in teaching and learning and draws out implications for the promotion of collaboration within online environments. It is divided into four sections. First the case for collaboration, including specifically cooperative approaches, is explored. This case revolves around the impact of collaboration on the quality of learning and on learning outcomes. Collaboration is seen as constrained by context but, if structured and rewarded, it will bring important motivational and cognitive benefits. Next, the case for online collaboration is examined. This is based on longstanding arguments about the benefits of working together albeit in an environment which offers greater reach; a mix of media; and archives of interaction. The third section of the paper compares perspectives on online collaboration with a longer tradition of research into collaboration in general; it critiques the idea that online mediation offers a paradigm change in teaching and learning. The fourth section of the paper considers future directions for promoting online collaboration

    Statement of the Spanish Interdisciplinary Vascular Prevention Committee on the updated European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

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    [ES] Presentamos la adaptación española de las Guías Europeas de Prevención Cardiovascular 2021. En esta actualización además del abordaje individual, se pone mucho más énfasis en las políticas sanitarias como estrategia de prevención poblacional. Se recomienda el cálculo del riesgo vascular de manera sistemática a todas las personas adultas con algún factor de riesgo vascular. Los objetivos terapéuticos para el colesterol LDL, la presión arterial y la glucemia no han cambiado respecto a las anteriores guías, pero se recomienda alcanzar estos objetivos de forma escalonada (etapas 1 y 2). Se recomienda llegar siempre hasta la etapa 2, y la intensificación del tratamiento dependerá del riesgo a los 10 años y de por vida, del beneficio del tratamiento, de las comorbilidades, de la fragilidad y de las preferencias de los pacientes. Las guías presentan por primera vez un nuevo modelo para calcular el riesgo (SCORE2 y SCORE2 OP) de morbimortalidad vascular en los próximos 10 años (infarto demiocardio, ictus y mortalidad vascular) en hombres y mujeres entre 40 y 89 años. Otra de las novedades sustanciales es el estable cimiento de diferentes umbrales de riesgo dependiendo de la edad (70 años). Se presentan diferentes algoritmos de cálculo del riesgo vascu lar y tratamiento de los factores de riesgo vascular para personas aparentemente sanas, pacientes con diabetes y pacientes con enfermedad vascular aterosclerótica. Los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica se considerarán de riesgo alto o muy alto según la tasa del filtrado glomerular y el cociente albúmina/creatinina. Se incluyen innovaciones en las recomendaciones sobre los estilos de vida, adaptadas a las recomendaciones del Ministerio de Sanidad, así como aspectos novedosos relacionados con el control de los lípidos, la presión arterial, la diabetes y la insuficiencia renal crónica. [EN] We present the Spanish adaptation of the 2021 European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) prevention in clinical practice. The current guidelines besides the individual approach greatly emphasize on the importance of population level approaches to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Systematic global CVD risk assessment is recommended in individuals with any major vascular risk factor. Regarding LDL-Cholesterol, blood pressure, and glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus, goals and targets remain as recommended in previous guidelines. However, it is proposed a new, stepwise approach (Step 1 and 2) to treatment intensification as a tool to help physicians and patients pursue these targets in a way that fits patient profile. After Step 1, considering proceeding to the intensified goals of Step 2 is mandatory, and this intensification will be based on 10-year CVD risk, lifetime CVD risk and treatment benefit, comorbidities and patient preferences. The updated SCORE algorithm (SCORE2, SCORE-OP) is recommended in these guidelines, which estimates an individual's 10-year risk of fatal and non-fatal CVD events (myocardial infarction, stroke) in healthy men and women aged 40-89 years. Another new and important recommendation is the use of different categories of risk according different age groups (70 years). Different flow charts of CVD risk and risk factor treatment in apparently healthy persons, in patients with established atherosclerotic CVD, and in diabetic patients are recommended. Patients with chronic kidney disease are considered high risk or very high-risk patients according to the levels of glomerular filtration rate and albumin-to-creatinine ratio. New lifestyle recommendations adapted to the ones published by the Spanish Ministry of Health as well as recommendations focused on the management of lipids, blood pressure, diabetes and chronic renal failure are included.S

    Collaborative Reflection Processes Between Teachers: Construction and Uses of Representations about the Situations of Practice

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    Pese a que la importancia de la reflexión en la práctica educativa es ampliamente conocida, poco se ha investigado sobre cómo los procesos de reflexión entre profesionales les permiten comprender su práctica cotidiana. Este estudio investiga la idea de la actividad reflexiva como un proceso conjunto y mediado por la construcción y uso de representaciones sobre las situaciones que enfrentan los maestros en la práctica educativa. Los objetivos principales de esta investigación son (1) comprender y describir los procesos de reflexión desde un punto de vista interactivo, (2) describir y caracterizar cómo los maestros construyen y usan representaciones para reflexionar y comprender las situaciones de aula. La actividad reflexiva es estudiada desde el enfoque del pragmatismo deweiniano, la práctica reflexiva de Donald Schön y la teoría de la actividad proveniente de psicología sociocultural vygotskiana. La investigación es conducida con un grupo de ocho maestros de primaria y secundaria que participan en sesiones de reflexión conjunta organizados en cuatro parejas que observan mutuamente la realización de sus clases y posteriormente se reúnen a reflexionar acerca de las situaciones a las que se han enfrentado en el aula. El diseño metodológico responde a cuatro estudios de caso en un ambiente natural, con dos fases de análisis basados en el enfoque interactivo y el método de nálisis de contenido. Las 28 sesiones de observación y reflexión conjunta fueron video-grabadas y se realizaron entrevistas iniciales y finales. Los resultados describen las dinámicas de interacción y los patrones de actuación de los maestros durante los procesos de reflexión conjunta; además se caracteriza el papel que desempeñan las representaciones como herramientas psicológicas mediadoras para encuadrar y dar coherencia a las situaciones de la práctica. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados correspondientes a las entrevistas iniciales y finales.Although the importance of reflection in educational practice is widely known, little research has been done on how the reflection processes between professionals enable them to understand their daily practice. This study investigates the idea of reflexive activity as a collaborative process, mediated by the construction and use of representations about the situations that teachers face in their educational practice. The main research objectives are (1) to understand and describe the reflection processes from an interactive point of view, (2) to describe and characterize how teachers construct and use representations to reflect and understand the situations of their classrooms. The reflective activity is studied from the deweynian pragmatism approach, the reflective practice framework of Donald Schön and from the activity theory based on the vygotskian sociocultural psychology. The study is conducted with a group of eight teachers of primary and secondary school that participate on collaborative reflection sessions, organized in four couples that visit each other’s classrooms to observe and reflect with each other about the situations that they had experienced in their lessons. The methodological design was structured in four case studies in a natural environment, with two phases of analysis based on an interactive approach and content analysis method. The 28 sessions of observation and collaborative reflection were videotaped; also initial and final interviews were conducted with each participant. The results describe the pattern of action and the interaction dynamics of teachers along the collaborative reflection processes. Furthermore, it is characterized the role played by representations as mediating psychological tools in framing and giving coherence to the situations of practice. In this work we present the results of the initial and final interviews

    Contributions to learning of practice in settings of collaborative reflection between university and schools. Generated dynamics and learning

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    El trabajo que presentamos tiene como objetivos: a) dar a conocer una experiencia de diseño e implementación de un conjunto sistemático y planificado de espacios de reflexión conjunta, distribuidos a lo largo del periodo de prácticas de los estudiantes de maestro en educación primaria, que abarca las 3 asignaturas de prácticum del Grado; b) presentar las dinámicas de reflexión generadas en cada espacio y los aprendizajes potenciados. La experiencia ha sido llevada a cabo de manera colaborativa entre un grupo de escuelas y la universidad para el logro de las competencias específicas del prácticum. El trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación más amplio que estudia 3 cuestiones fundamentales: el conocimiento práctico-profesional de los estudiantes y su articulación con el conocimiento académico que, habitualmente, estructura los contenidos de otras asignaturas de la formación de maestros; los procesos de reflexión sobre la práctica y el apoyo sistemático a su aprendizaje, y la colaboración entre universidad y escuela. Participaron 3 escuelas y 1 universidad, un total de 27 estudiantes, 9 por cada una de las tres asignaturas de prácticum del Grado, sus respectivos maestros tutores y sus tutores de universidad. En cada asignatura, cada estudiante participó en 3 tipos de espacios de reflexión: el “Espacio Escuela”, el “Espacio Universidad” y el “Espacio Compartido”, este último incluía al conjunto de los participantes en una misma asignatura de prácticas en una misma escuela. Los espacios se vertebraron en torno a la reflexión conjunta de situaciones de la práctica de los estudiantes, que ellos seleccionaban. Los datos se recogieron en video y se completaron con cuestionarios, entrevistas a todos los tutores y estudiantes, notas de campo y grupos de enfoque. Todos los instrumentos fueron validados. Las dinámicas generadas en cada espacio fueron diferentes y propiciaron aprendizajes específicos valorados muy positivamente por los participantes.This paper has the following aims: a) describing an experience of design and implementation of a systematic and planned array of settings of joint reflection, distributed along three practicum periods of student teachers; b) presenting the interactional dynamics and learning generated in each reflective setting. This experience was carried out collaboratively by the university and several schools, in order to foster the specific competences to be learned by the student teachers during the practicum periods. It is part of a broader research project which studies three fundamental issues regarding practicum: the practical-professional knowledge of student teachers and its articulation with academic knowledge that, usually, is prevalent in the contents of the majority of subjects of the grades in teaching at universities; the processes of reflection by student teachers and how they can be systematically supported; the relationship and collaboration between universities and schools. They participated in the project three schools and one university. A total of 27 students, 9 in each of the three different subjects of practicum, the teachers of the school and the university. In each practicum period, each student teacher participated in three different reflective settings: the “school setting”, in which each student teacher reflected together with an experienced teacher; the “university setting”, in which up to15 student teachers reflected together under the guidance of a university professor; and the “shared setting”, in which up to three student teachers reflected together with their three respective tutoring experienced teachers and the university professor. In all settings, reflection was conducted upon real practice situations experienced by the student teachers. Data were gathered through videotapes, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and field notes. All instruments were validated. We found different interactional dynamics in the different reflective settings, and learning generated in them was evaluated very positively by participants.Este trabajo es parte de los resultados de un proyecto que ha sido financiado por AGAUR en la convocatoria de ayudas a la investigación e innovación en la formación inicial de maestros para las titulaciones impartidas en las universidades participantes en el Programa de Mejora e Innovación en la Formación de Maestros (Proyecto 2014 ARMIF 00052)